
Many Org Chart Now customers have requested ‘Management Level’ charts. A ‘management level’ chart differs
from a conventional org chart in that it visually groups employees in horizontal bands based on a management
level. Management Level charts provide an additional level of insight into an org chart (for example, a
management level chart makes it is easy to distinguish between Vice Presidents and Directors reporting to a CEO).
We recommend you go through the Getting Started Guide before using this guide.

Step 1: Data Preparation

In this guide, we’ll create a management level org chart from an Excel spreadsheet; however, almost all of the
same principles apply if you plan on using a data connector.
First, you’ll need to create a spreadsheet. See Required and Recommended fields below.
Data Format
Required fields:
 PersonID – Unique identifier for each person (typically an employee number or ID)
 SupervisorID – Unique identifier for each person’s supervisor
 Name – Employee name
 Title – Employee title
 Mgmt_Level – Management Level for the employee

Recommended fields:
 IsAssistant – 0 or 1 (1 indicates the person is an assistant)
 Department – A person’s department (e.g. Engineering or Marketing) [Not shown below]
 Photo – A reference or URL to an employee photo (e.g. a jpeg file) [See Appendix B in the Getting Started
Guide for more details on photos]
You can any number of additional fields to your data file (for example, location, email address or mobile phone).

Example Data:

PersonID SupervisorID Name Title isAssistant Photo Mgmt Level
1 0 Steve Smith CEO 0 Smith1.jpg 1
1 1 Sandra Chen VP 0 Chen2.jpg 2
3 1 George Lopez VP 0 Lopez3.jpg 2
4 1 Arnold Osborn Director 0 Osborne4.jpg 3
5 2 Jene North Director 0 North5.jpg 3
6 4 Adam Johnson Manager 0 johnson6.jpg 4
7 3 Jacob Zu Manager 0 Zu7.jpg 3

The data above will generate the following management level chart:


Step 2: Import Data

In this step, we’ll use the Import Wizard to automatically create a management level chart.

Importing an Excel File

1. Login to OrgChart Now
2. Select the FILE tab
3. Upload an Excel spreadsheet to your account (See Step 1)
4. Select on the ‘Import Wizard’ button
5. Select the ‘Excel’ option. The Import Wizard Panel is displayed.
6. Click on the ‘Import Data’ data button
7. Select the file you just uploaded
8. Click on the green ‘Select’ button to load the data file
9. The ‘Filter Data’ step is shown. Click on the ‘Next’ button.

10. The ‘Define Fields’ step is shown. Click on the ‘Next’ button.
Note: If you didn’t use the same naming conventions as specified in the ‘Data Preparation’ step, you can
map your fields to the required fields. For example, you can specify which field is to be used as the
‘PersonID’ field.
11. The ‘Subchart Breaks’ step is shown. Click on the ‘Next’ button. Select the ‘Do not insert breaks’ option (if
it is grayed out, select the break by level option).
12. The ‘Select Chart Template’ step is shown. Select ‘Classic’ and then click on the ‘Next’ button. Chart
Templates are discussed in more detail later in this document.
Note: Select the template ‘Photo-Left’ if you included photo references in your data.
13. The ‘Master Page’ step is shown. Select the ‘Blank master page’ option and then click on the ‘Create
Chart’ button. A standard org chart is created.
Step 2: Set the Level Chart Option
1. Select the REFRESH tab
2. Select the ‘Refresh Properties’ button.
3. Select the ‘Advanced Options’ menu item. The ‘Advanced Options’ panel is shown.
4. Select the ‘Create level chart’ check box. Click OK.
5. Select the ‘Refresh Data’ button. The ‘Data Refresh’ Panel is shown.
6. Make sure the ‘Smart Refresh’ button is selected.
7. Click on the ‘Refresh’ button. Your chart will automatically be reformatted as a level chart.
8. Save your chart.

Step 3: Customizing your Chart and Configuring the Master Page

Based on your specific requirements, you may want to display more than just Name and Title in your chart boxes.
See the Getting Started Guide for more information.
You may also want to modify the master page to include your corporate logo in your chart. See the Getting Started
Guide for more information
OrgChart Now – Creating Management Level Charts

Step 4: Refreshing your Chart

Perform the following steps to automatically update your chart. This is typically all you have to do once your
charts are setup!
1. If your chart data is sourced from an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file, update the file (on your computer) to
reflect any changes with your organization. Make sure to use the same file name as was used when
importing (See Step 2). Upload the data file to OrgChart Now. Make sure to upload to the same directory
as was originally used..
2. Select the REFRESH tab and the select the ‘Refresh Data’ button. The ‘Data Refresh’ Panel is shown.
3. Select the ‘Smart Refresh’ option (manual changes will be preserved).
4. Click on the ‘Refresh’ button. Your chart will automatically be updated from your data source.
5. Save your chart.

Step 5: Tips & Tricks

In order to get the best results, review all the tips and tricks below.
1. Management Level Charts are typically less than 50 boxes (because they can get really wide). Contact us
moc.erawtfoskroweciffo|wontrahcgro#moc.erawtfoskroweciffo|wontrahcgro for guidance on creating management level charts containing
more than 50 boxes.
2. Size PDFs to current page – If you are charting more boxes than will easily fit on a standard page (8.5 X 11
in the US), make sure to select ‘Size PDFs to current page’ option (look in the Home Tab for the ‘Setup’
button). This option sets the size of generated PDF documents based on the size of the chart.
3. Fixed Height Boxes – If you want all boxes in your chart to have the same height (see example on the right
below), use the box layout editor to update the box style you created earlier.
Steps to complete:


a. Select the tallest box in your chart
b. Click on the Layout button (in the Home Tab)
c. Set Box Height to Fixed (see below). Click on the blue arrow to resize the box.
d. Click OK
e. Update the box style you created earlier (See Updating a Box Style in Step 3)
f. Refresh your chart (See Step 5)
4. Reordering Peers – You may want to reorder peers within a chart. See examples below.


To reorder boxes you’ll want to use the ‘Move Branch or Box’ tool. Watch the following video for more
details -

5. Chart is too wide – If your chart is too wide, you may want to change the branch styles used at the lowest
level of your chart. Note: You will need to repeat this step after every refresh.
a. Make sure the Home tab is selected.
b. At the lowest level of your chart look for a manager with a large number of subordinates. Select any
one of the subordinates.
c. Select the ‘Branch Styles’ button.
d. Select the desired branch Style. You can reduce the width of your chart by picking the 4 or 6 column
e. Repeat for other managers with a large number of subordinates

