Table of Contents
Employee Photos can easily be included in your org charts. Once you have determined how photos are referenced (see below), you can easily use box styles and chart templates to automatically add photos to your charts.
Photo Integration
There are five ways that photos can be integrated into OrgChart:
- Some data connectors (for example, ADP, BambooHR, PeopleHR and SuccessFactors) include photo support so there is no need to upload photos.
- Photos can be uploaded to your OrgChart account (individually, via a zip file or using SFTP/FTP)
- Photos can be retrieved via a URL
- Photos can be synchronized with Active Directory
- Custom photo queries (contact your technical support to discuss)
Referencing Photos
If photos are named using a standard convention then they can be referenced dynamically using the using a Concatenate Formula. This is the recommended approach (for example, <EmployeeID>.jpg is a commonly used convention).
If photos are not named using a standard convention, then a Photo field (in the source data) must be used to reference a photo. The Photo field can either be a URL or a folder/file reference. Some examples below:
Photo | Notes |
fredsmith.jpg | 'Photos' directory searched for photo |
CompanyPhotos:freshsmith.jpg | 'CompanyPhoto' directory searched for photo | | The URL will be resolved to a photo. |
Uploading Photos
You can use the File Manager to upload photos from your computer. You can upload photos one at a time or upload using a zip file. You can also use an FTP or SFTP client to upload photos to your account.
Any directory (in your account) can be used for storing photos;however, using the 'Photos' directory is recommended.
Preparing Photos
Uploaded photos must be in the .jpg format. Referenced photos can either be .png or .jpg.
Photos will automatically be re-scaled and re-sampled when referenced in an org chart.
The recommended size for a photo is 150 X 150; however, any size greater than 72 X 72 and less than 512 X 512 should work without issue.
Tips and Tricks
- You can also use photos for purposes other than employee photos. For example, you can create a box layout containing a 'star' to mark key employees.
- The naming convention for Photos should be associated with the employee name or ID (e.g. employeeid.jpg or employeename.jpg)
- For URL photo links, only jpg and png files are supported. For uploaded pictures, only jpg files are supported
- If you need to upload a large number of photos, contact moc.erawtfoskroweciffo|wontrahcgro#moc.erawtfoskroweciffo|wontrahcgro and request an FTP account. You can then use any FTP tool to mass upload photo files
- You can also use photos for purposes other than employee photos. For example, you can create a box layout containing a 'star' to mark key employees
Reviewed 8/28/2017